Memories of Hungary | Memories of Hungary Liszt Ferenc Int. Airport Souvenir Shops
Memories of Hungary is the biggest souvenir-shop network in Hungary, Budapest for tourists and hungarians too.
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Liszt Ferenc International Airport

SkyCourt and Terminal 2B

At the airport, named after Ferenc Liszt, our stores can be found in both the impressive SkyCourt and Terminal 2B. Our complete range of gifts can be found at each of our stores. In 2018 we could completly reopen our shop in SkyCourt, three times bigger than the original. Our travels taught us that the image of a country formed by travellers is mainly based on their first impression when crossing borders or arriving at an airport, and on the souvenirs they buy for their families and friends, the gifts that supposed to bring back memories of the people they’ve met and the places they’ve seen. These souvenirs can keep alive the established affection.

In Hungary, in contrast with the gifts of – to put it mildly – uneven quality intended for tourists, in our store, travellers can find thousands of kinds of quality souvenirs in one place; likeable and genuine Hungarian intellectual and material souvenirs, which bring back the memories of your visits once you are back home.